Thứ Tư, 24 tháng 2, 2010

Showing the Love, Just a Wee Bit Late

"It's the new Margo. But she's just as late as the old one."

If it's good enough for Margo Channing, it's fine for the blogathon, too. As I was informed by my For the Love of Film comrade Marilyn Ferdinand, late donations continued to flow this week. And as of today, the new total is (drum roll, please)


This will be enough money, according to our pals at the National Film Preservation Foundation, to restore a feature comedy AND a cartoon.

Do we of Greater Blogistan rock, or what?

But wait, there's more. Here is the list of the winners of the poster and DVD sets being given away in appreciation by the NFPF. The winners were selected in a random drawing from among the blogathon donors.

They are...

Eddie Selover – Poster

Samantha Kelley – Treasures III

James Wolcott – Treasures III

Gloria Porta – Treasures IV

Kenji Fujishima – Treasures IV

Congratulations to the lucky winners. And now, in the immortal lines from Ninotchka, "What's the hurry? Let us be happy...give us our moment...We are happy, aren't we?"

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