The fifth anniversary of the Siren’s blog came and went on April 19 with no noisemakers, no fetching cocktail dresses, no Gershwin and no one crying to the waitstaff “more champagne!” So the Siren wants to celebrate in her own way, by expressing overdue gratitude to some of the people who showed her kindness from the outset. If, like Margo Channing, you detest sentiment (whatever else this is, it ain’t cheap) you may switch off the radio and huddle in your mink until it’s over.
Lance Mannion popped up one day in the comments to a rather batty series of posts the Siren did on Perfume at the Movies, and gave me a link—-my first from a blogger I didn’t already know—-with praise that did my heart good, although he did say I’d drive a Netflix-queue obsessive crazy. (I still collect scent references, by the way. Great perfume counter in Has Anybody Seen My Gal?.)
Girish also swung by early on, adding his erudition and offering tips on movie-viewing in Toronto. We wound up going to the Cinematheque together a few times (Naruse!) considerably brightening a rather lonely time in Toronto.
Peter Nelhaus was the first person ever to respond to my plaint about a disk’s unavailability with a request for my mailing address—but far from the last. Michael Phillips, aka Goatdog, soon did the same. The Siren adores them both.
Filmbrain, otherwise known as Andrew Grant of Benten Films, was someone I got to know via Cinemarati, where he offered warm support and friendship to an insecure Siren.
And then there’s the mighty James Wolcott, aka the Traffic Santa Claus of Small-Time Bloggers, whose kind words sustain the Siren and whose continued links keep her Statcounter from dying of boredom.
Dave Hudson’s many links from his various perches around the web have been the happy source of treasured readers.
Ray Young, the gentleman known as Flickhead, was an early commenter and generous linker, urging me to see more Chabrol after I loved La Ceremonie, for all of which I am forever grateful.
Ivan G. Shreve, whose Thrilling Days of Yesteryear I had been lurking at for a long time before I blogged, was also an early and generous linker.
Dennis Cozzalio is such a difficult, unforgiving sort of person that when I wrote at length of my disdain for his all-time favorite movie, he responded with a warm and funny email that cemented our mutual admiration for all time.
Lou Lumenick’s generous partnership for the Turner Classic Movies “Shadows of Russia” series has, among many tangible benefits, given my mother some happy hours of bragging privileges at the local bodega, church and coffee shop. Mom thanks him, and so do I.
Marilyn Ferdinand’s extraordinary moxie and energy resulted in my single proudest moment as a blogger—helping her to raise more than $13,500 for film preservation.
Greg Ferrara (come back, Greg) did beautiful work on the blogathon icons and home blog, and I am also very grateful to him.
Glenn Kenny, whose talent as a writer gives us all something to aim for, has the Siren’s deep gratitude for many kind words, technical advice, Region 2 DVDs, and for beng a good friend and invaluable sounding board.
David Cairns I thank for Duvivier, The Eagle and the Hawk, Les Visiteurs du Soir, running a brilliant blog and being a great dinner companion.
Dan Callahan I thank for friendship, hospitality, Constance Bennett, Naruse and for writing the best star profiles going.
Robert Avrech I thank for his wise correspondence, his many great posts about early cinema, and for demonstrating that respect and friendship will always trump mere politics.
Annieytown of Blogdorf Goodman was my dear friend long before either one of us started blogging, but I still thank her for links and for her unerring eye for beauty.
Finally, others I am grateful to for their writing, their wisdom, their comments, their emails, their links, and their Internet comradeship: Gloria Porta, Tom Watson, Surlyh, Noel Vera, Karen Green, Yojimboen, Vanwall, X. Trapnel, Operator_99, Arthur S., David Ehrenstein, Tony Dayoub, Sheila O’Mallley, Alex aka Burritoboy, Raymond de Felitta, Kim Morgan, Larry Aydlette, Mrs. Henry Windle Vale, Gerard Jones, Phil Nugent, Dan Leo, Bob Westal, Dan Sallitt, Brian Herrera, Bill Wren, VP81955, Vertigo’s Psyche, Lee Tsiantis, Keith Uhlich, The Derelict, J.C. Loophole, Jacqueline T. Lynch, Dave Kehr, Jenny the Nipper, the Cinetrix, Trish, Tonio Kruger, Andy Horbal, Gareth, Brian Darr, Tom Carson, Nick Dawson, Jim Emerson, Ryan Kelly, Nathaniel R, Edward Copeland, John McElwee, David Bordwell, Michael Guillen, C. Parker, Raquelle Matos, Brenda Cullerton, Siobhan, Tom Sutpen, Richard Gibson, Richard Brody, Vadim Rizov, John Lichman, Laura, Shahn, Camorrista, Kathleen Maher, Chuck Tryon, Kevin Lee, Ed Howard, Dennis Lim and Maud Newton.
And to those the Siren owes thanks, but also knows she omitted because damn it, she always forgets something: Please know that the next time the Siren sees your name, she’ll be smote to the heart and skedaddle back here to add it.
That’s all. Back to our regular menu of long-winded analysis, tributes, oddball anecdotes, digressive lists, occasional bilious nitpicking, hey-looky-here links, planned projects that get shelved due to househunting, house moving or a household down with stomach flu, George Sanders obsession, Joan Fontaine obsession, and meandering but wonderful comments threads that always land on either Frank Borzage, Dimitri Tiomkin, George Brent or Danielle Darrieux.
Most of all, I am grateful y’all keep coming back.
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