This is some crowd. With this kind of talent, the heist in The Asphalt Jungle would have gone a lot more smoothly. Keep 'em comin’.
Meanwhile, an important housekeeping note: the donation link for the Film Noir Foundation has been changed, to one that will be exclusive for donations made through the blogathon.
If you have already donated, first of all bless your heart. Second of all, drop a line to me. I will pass your name on to the Film Noir Foundation, to make sure they know your contribution was blogathon-related, so's you'll eligible for the loot.
Is your name missing? Don’t send in the Chicago boys. Just jog the Siren’s memory, please. Edward G. Robinson was painting her toenails and she got distracted.
Leonard Maltin of Leonard Maltin’s Movie Crazy
Tony Dayoub of Cinema Viewfinder
Ed Howard of Only the Cinema
Patricia Schneider at The Lady Eve’s Reel Life
Vanwall Green at Vanwall’s Land
Sam Juliano of Wonders in the Dark
Joshua Ranger of AudioVisual Preservation Solutions
Donna Hill at Strictly Vintage Hollywood
Ben Kenigsberg at Time Out Chicago
David Steece of Randomaniac
Beth Ann Gallagher at Spellbound
Peter Nellhaus at Coffee, Coffee, and More Coffee
Jacqueline Fitzgerald of Film Noir Blonde
Bill Ryan at The Kind of Face You Hate
Betty Jo Tucker of Reel Talk Movie Reviews
R. D. Finch at The Movie Projector
Peter Gutierrez at Tribeca
Bob Fergusson at Allure
Steve-O at Film Noir of the Week and Back Alley Noir
Brian Darr at Hell on Frisco Bay
DeeDee at Darkness to Light
Hilary Barta at Limerwrecks
Hedwig Van Driel at As Cool as a Fruit Stand
Paula Vitaris at Paula’s Movie Page
Jacqueline T. Lynch at Another Old Movie Blog
Tinky Weisblat of In Our Grandmothers’ Kitchens
Doug Bonner at PostModern Joan
Kevin Olson at Hugo Stiglitz Makes Movies
Gareth at Gareth’s Movie Diary
Meredith of Or Maybe Eisenstein Should Just Relax
Java Bean Rush
John Greco of Twenty-Four Frames
Vince Keenan at VinceKeenan.com
Ivan G. Shreve of Those Thrilling Days of Yesteryear
Darren at The Movie Blog
Brandie of True Classics: The ABCs of Classic Film
Mat Viola of Notes of a Film Fanatic
Joe Thompson from The Pneumatic Rolling-Sphere Carrier Delusion
Bill Wren of Piddleville
Ms. Zebra of Germans Like Heavy Make-Up
Bryce Wilson of Things That Don’t Suck
Arthur S. at …this pig’s alley
Gautam Valluri of The Broken Projector
Christian Esquevin of Silver Screen Modiste
Caroline Shapiro at Garbo Laughs
Neil Sarver of The Bleeding Tree
John Weagly of Captain Spaulding on Skull Island
Hind Mezaina of The Culturist
Toby Roan of 50 Westerns from the 50s
David Cairns of Shadowplay
Craig Porlock of The Man from Porlock
Edward Copeland on Film
Laura of Laura’s Misc. Musings
Machelle Allman of Venetian Blond
Nicholas Pillai of Squeeze Gut Alley
Ben Alpers, Ray Haberski, David Sehat, Tim Lacy, and Andrew Hartman of the U.S. Intellectual History Blog
Adam Zanzie of Icebox Movies
Mr. K of Mr. K's Geek Cornucopia
Ryan Kelly of Medfly Quarantine
The Derelict, at both Libertas and Dereliction Row
Noel Vera of Critic After Dark
MIchael Cusdin of Cinema Ramble
Kristen Sales of Sales on Film
Trish of I Wake Up Screaming
Dr. Morbius of Krell Laboratories
Jaime Christley of Unexamined Essentials
Gordon D of Blog THIS, Pal!
Kurt Norton and Paul Mariano of These Amazing Shadows Blog
David Ehrenstein of Fablog
Kim Morgan of Sunset Gun
Glenn Kenny of Some Came Running
Lou Lumenick of the New York Post
Catherine Grant of Film Studies for Free
Jenny of Cinema OCD
Steve Santos of The Fine Cut
Andreas of Pussy Goes Grrr
Sheila O'Malley of The Sheila Variations
Glenn Kenny of Some Came Running
Carl DiNello of Hollywood Movie Memories
Rob Byrne of Starts Thursday!
And of course, wit and raconteur Greg Ferrara of Cinema Styles and my blogathon partner and general goddess/whirlwind of energy and organization, Marilyn Ferdinand of Ferdy on Films, who did the bulk of compiling this list.

Finally, the Siren neglected to mention that she is, briefly, in a documentary that just premiered at Sundance. The film is called These Amazing Shadows, and it is a tribute to the National Film Registry, made by Kurt Norton and Paul Mariano. The Siren may be glimpsed talking about musicals, with regard to The Wizard of Oz, and what she has to say won’t surprise any of her readers. She was surprised, however, to find herself up there with a large number of well-known directors, actors and film writers. It’s a passionate ode to our film heritage, and has some wonderful detailed scenes of the mechanics of film restoration. Kurt and Paul, in other words, are on our side.
IFC bought the North American TV, VOD and DVD rights to These Amazing Shadows, the only documentary of five films called Sundance Selects. They are promoting it through video on demand through about Feb. 22. Details of the VOD availability are included in this IFC release. Trailer and clips can be viewed here.
And of course, wit and raconteur Greg Ferrara of Cinema Styles and my blogathon partner and general goddess/whirlwind of energy and organization, Marilyn Ferdinand of Ferdy on Films, who did the bulk of compiling this list.

Finally, the Siren neglected to mention that she is, briefly, in a documentary that just premiered at Sundance. The film is called These Amazing Shadows, and it is a tribute to the National Film Registry, made by Kurt Norton and Paul Mariano. The Siren may be glimpsed talking about musicals, with regard to The Wizard of Oz, and what she has to say won’t surprise any of her readers. She was surprised, however, to find herself up there with a large number of well-known directors, actors and film writers. It’s a passionate ode to our film heritage, and has some wonderful detailed scenes of the mechanics of film restoration. Kurt and Paul, in other words, are on our side.
IFC bought the North American TV, VOD and DVD rights to These Amazing Shadows, the only documentary of five films called Sundance Selects. They are promoting it through video on demand through about Feb. 22. Details of the VOD availability are included in this IFC release. Trailer and clips can be viewed here.
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