Time for the end credits to our For the Love of Film (Noir) blogathon, which event was both more epic than most movies in this genre, and has an uncharacteristically sunny coda.
The final total for donations made through the blogathon link comes to $5667, and that ain’t hay.
Here’s the Siren’s favorite stat: This year, we had 159 donors. That, my friends, is almost double the number from last year, and it includes donations from well beyond the borders of these here United States.
The Siren invites everyone--Marilyn, Greg, the bloggers who did such excellent work--to take a bow. This is just that much less the Film Noir Foundation will need to restore The Sound of Fury to its full, shadowy glory.
And the Siren points out, in pride and fellowship, that in addition to taking considerable time and trouble to write something, or even several somethings, a large majority of bloggers (not an avocation known for being lucrative) dug behind the sofa cushions and donated money, as well.
You’re a swell group. Next time someone talks about the blogosphere dragging down the discourse, you tell them, as Sterling Hayden would have, “Don’t bone me.”
And here we have the winners of the raffle prizes. Warmest congratulations to them all!
Full set of 9 NOIR CITY posters: Mike Glancy Auction Co.
Deluxe DVD of The Prowler: Sam and Lucille Juliano
DVD documentary The Czar of Noir plus Eddie Muller's short film starring Marsha Hunt, The Grand Inquisitor: Jason Civjan
Full set of 3 NOIR CITY SENTINEL annuals: John Fitzpatrick
Programs from NOIR CITY 8 and 9: Leanord Moore
Autographed copy of Eddie Muller's first novel The Distance: Andrew Horbal
Signed and framed art photo by R.A. McBride, donated by Donna Hill: Mary Beth Roney
Original watercolor of Lloyd Bridges by Steve Brodner: Stephanie Chadwick
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